1. Anatoly A. Alferov The concept of “local civilization”. |
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2. Mikhail G. Belyaev The globalizing world in the work of A.S. Panarin “The Temptation of Globalism” |
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3. Alexander V. Zezyulko Comparative studies in modern humanities: problems and approaches |
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4. Konstantin I. Korchak Socio-philosophical analysis of the transformation of social practices in the process of digitalization of society. |
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5. Nina V. Novikova Specificity of perception of the construct “time” by foreign students |
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6. Nikita N. Ravochkin, Mikhail D. Bogankov Axiologems of rap in the context of the modern Russian society culture |
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7. Rose K. Shamileva, Milana B. Sedieva, Radima Kh. Denilkhanova Actual aspects of the theory of quality of life in the context of social justice |
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8. Kristina A. Sharovara Russia as a civilizational formation: parameters of socio-philosophical study |
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9. Alexander V. Alekseev Peculiarities of conducting contextual analysis within the framework of studying elements of the semantic field of Black Lives Matter in English-language media discourse |
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10. Natalya B. Boeva-Omelechko, Svetlana S. Petina The strategy of negative reaction in the genre of internet comment in the English-speaking segment of the Internet |
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11. Diana Yu. Burenkova, Elena Yu. Vasilyeva, Lidia A. Marjanina Some aspects of translation of medical terms affecting the correct understanding and interpretation of professionally oriented medical texts |
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12. Lyudmila M. Zholos, Ekaterina O. Tishchenko, Elena S. Kosareva Lexical and stylistic analysis of the interpretation of newspaper headlines in English-language media. |
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13. Anna V. Lytkina On the use of fictional narrative in media discourse |
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14. Natalya A. Lyashenko On the question of lexical-semantic expression of the concept “Beauty” in the Novel “This Side Of Paradise” by Francis Scott Fitzgerald |
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15. Marina S. Medvedeva, Victoria A. Razhina Ways of transferring putinisms on the material of the official translation of kremlin.ru. |
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16. Yuri P. Nechai Realization of tropes in the language of V. Nabokov’s fiction: functional aspect |
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17. Irina G. Panevina, Anna S. Krut Linguistic means of expressing evaluation in the description of Russian weapons systems in the western media |
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18. Ekaterina À. Redkozubova Socio-cultural traditions and trends in the English restaurant menu |
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19. Natalya A. Rulyova Features of the use of military vocabulary in the texts of the German media |
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20. Maria D. Inkova The potential of Digital Learning Environment for developing systems outlook of bachelor students |
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21. Oksana V. Kravchenko Features of working with the terminology of the French language in the process of teaching professionally specialized reading in specialized classes |
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22. Guli Pay Comparative analysis of the concepts of citizen education in the field of education of modern China and Russia at the beginning of the 21st century |
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23. Sergey A. Pisarenko Organization of work on sketches and sketches when teaching academic drawing |
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24. Daria A. Prusakova The concept of “identity” as the key element of the pedagogical category “civic identity” through the prism of interdisciplinary links |
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