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Russian version/Ðóññêàÿ âåðñèÿ
¹ 2 2023


1. Victoria I. Barvenko

The aesthetics of urbanism: contours of a new anthropological reality

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2. Konstantin V. Vodenko, Larisa V. Shevchenko

Digital transformation of human everyday world

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3. Maria V. Kuznetsova, Elena A. Pushkareva

The specifics of the foreign language education and self-education development in modern conditions of the educational environment informatization

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4. Emiliano Mettini, Narine L. Wiegel

Basic principles of anthropology in the pedagogical theory of A.S. Makarenko

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5. Evgeny E. Nesmeyanov

Yu.A. Zhdanov's assessment of the state of science and education in the late XX – early XXI centuries

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6. Nikita N. Ravochkin

Philosophical foundations of innovation activity

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7. Maya V. Rakhimova

Some words about biological background of the theatrical nature of a human being: philosophical and anthropological aspect

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8. Ekaterina A. Ten

Socio-philosophical problems of digital identity in the context of the 4.0 revolution

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9. Rosa K. Shamileva, Ryan V. Alikhadzhieva

Conflicts in the contest of the theory of justice

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10. Julia S. Gorbunova, Anna A. Timoshuk

Parenthetical constructions in E.G. Vodolazkin's novel “Brisbane”: a communicative aspect

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11. Elena D. Goryacheva

Discourse of literary criticism: metatext elements in the pragmatic aspect

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12. Yana A. Gudkova

Gerontological ageism in the work of J.G. Byron “Don Juan”

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13. Oksana V. Dyshekova, Natalya A. Pilipenko

On the issue of accuracy and semantic-stylistic features of legal concepts (on the example of the of the concept analysis “wages”)

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14. Ludmila M. Zholos, Elena S. Kosareva

Lexical, grammatical and stylistic features of sports discourse

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15. Anna V. Kaneeva, Kristina A. Kozhanova

The use of authentic video materials as a means of speech development in English lessons in elementary school

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16. Taisiya D. Magomadova, Yulia V. Privalova, Lyudmila V. Burenko

The linguistic and cultural concept of “courage” in the parodies of the Russian, English and Chechen languages

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17. Andrey F. Panteleev, Natalya A. Serikova

Comparative turn in Shasha Cherny's poetry.

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18. Ekaterina V. Pikalova

Voronezh Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Voronezh, Russian Federation

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19. Victoria V. Posidelova, Denis Y. Shalkov

Deviation from the literary norm in fiction: the translation aspect.

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20. Olga P. Ryabko

Onomasiological and logical-semantic principles of differentiation of nominal phrases and nominal composites.

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21. Margarita S. Tatsenko

Non-verbal signs of masculinity and their linguistic representation in artistic discourse (based on the material of the Russian and German languages)

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22. Natalia M. Usenko

Functional illiteracy as a sociolinguistic problem

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23. Dilara B. Yusipova

Functional potential of substitutions in media headlines

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24. Laysan R. Yusupovà, Ilmira F. Zaripovà

Substantiation in the tatar language as a morphological and syntactic way of word formation

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25. Nadezhda P. Kleynosova

Influence of current educational trends on the formation of a teacher’s professional educational trajectory

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26. Valerij V. Kovalev

The potential of the 4C/ID-model of problem-based learning in the process of civic education of high school students in extra-curricular activities

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27. Irina V. Lapshina, Anna V. Alekseeva, Elena V. Papchenko

Modern digital technologies in the field of practice-oriented pedagogical activity.

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28. Viktor A. Nefedovskiy, Yuri A. Savitskiy, Vladimir V. Terekhov

Using the cluster analysis method to evaluate the results of spatial development the thinking of the trainees

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29. Yana N. Poddubnaya, Anastasia A. Kotova, Konstantin S. Kotov

Analysis of generalized characteristics in pedagogical context: reality and perspectives.

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30. Marina V. Pats

Information society: goal setting of a future specialist

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31. Valentina N. Shashkova

The issue of diversifying work formats on improvement of lexical skills when teaching cadets of educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs professional sublanguage revisited

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32. ABOUT AUTHORS read in PDF pdf

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