1. Alexander I. Bobkov, Alexey A. Gordin Constructed ethnoarchaic and archaeoavantgarde in the context of understanding the phenomenon of ethnocultural identity |
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2. Irina V. Lapshina, Anna V. Alekseeva The risks of decarbonization in the geopolitical environment of modern states from the perspective of cognitive modeling |
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3. Evgeny E. Nesmeyanov, Galina S. Kharlamova Project activity at the university as the basis of innovation |
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4. Nataliya V. Omelaenko, Olga E. Iatsevich, Gulyaiza G. Nurpeisova Tang ping as a new socio-cultural phenomenon reflecting the values of modern youth |
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5. Olga A. Orlenko Difference between the concepts of “death” and “assumption” in Russian religious thought of the XIX-XX century |
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6. Georgy Sh. Pilavov Synergetic analysis as a methodological basis for the study of sports in the Discourse of social Philosophy |
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7. Nikita N. Ravochkin, Pavel N. Rvalov Socio-economic consequences of futuroshock: philosophical analysis |
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8. Lipa I. Saidova Ecotourism and its existential purpose |
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9. Ludmila N. Solovieva Virtual reality as a new space of human life in the information age |
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10. Elizaveta A. Vashchenko Contrast of images of men and women in John Gray's book “Mars and Venus: How to save love” |
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11. Ekaterina I. Gokova Ways to intensify the illocutionary force of comforting (based on the material of the modern English language) |
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12. Lyudmila V. Grichenko The representation of space in the phraseological fund of the English language |
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13. Liudmila M. Zholos, Victoria V. Posidelova, Denis Yu. Shalkov Mediatext as a space for functioning evaluative lexis |
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14. Evgeniya A. Koneva The phenomenon of paronomasia in poetic works for children (on the example of A. Usachev's poem “Gretskiye stikhi”) |
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15. Maria I. Kudryavtseva, Zhinaida V. Rezhuk Pragmats of intersubjectivity in postmodern literary text |
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16. Marina V. Laskova, Vladimir A. Lazarev Difficulties in professionally-oriented medical translation in cognitive and linguistic-cultural aspects |
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17. Natalia A. Lyashenko On the Question of Phraseological Units as Means Representing the Concept “Beauty” in the English Language |
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18. Yulia A. Mazneva On the structural and semantic features of english customs terms functioning in the professional media space |
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19. Natalia P. Medvedeva, Elena A. Paramonova, Svetlana I. Kholodionova Phraseologism as a language unit |
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20. Tamara Yu. Mkrtchyan Word-formation peculiarities of modern English military lexical units |
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21. Yuri P. Nechai, Nadezhda O. Linke Implementation methods non-verbal aggression in interpersonal contacts (based on the language of E.M. remarque's novels) |
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22. Galina N. Ostrikova, Valeria P. Deminova Main features of political English slang and ways of its translation into Russian language |
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23. Ekaterina A. Redkozubova, Diana S. Abdurakhmanova Modern American political discourse space: historical and cultural background |
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24. Olga P. Ryabko Cognitive-frame representation of the opposition of the categorical feature “consistency” in floronymic names |
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25. Marina V. Samofalova Features of the implementation of linguistic conflict genens in a speech situation of conflict (based on the English language) |
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26. Marzhan U. Suleibanova, Laila A. Askhabova Compound adjectives with participial components |
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27. Maria V. Khlebnikova, Victoria A. Razhina Peculiarities of the author’s translation of comparative constructions in V.V. Nabokov’s work «Lolita» (on the example of the English-Russian language pair) |
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28. Irina A. Cherkass The Musical Discourse and Some Peculiarities of its British Variant |
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29. Pei Shuoxing The interrelation between headlines and the content of texts in the press |
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30. Tatiana I. Yakovenko The peculiarity of drawing an image of an ideal man in W. Groom’s ‘Forrest Gump’: phonetic aspect |
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31. Zara I. Godizova, Dzerassa V. Gabisova Trends of modern methodology in teaching Russian as a foreign language (from the practice of teaching Russian to Chinese philology students) |
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32. Alexandr V. Zezyulko Information security and principles of its provision in the educational process |
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33. Yana N. Poddubnaya, Konstantin S. Kotov, Anastasia A. Kotova Implementation of patriotic education in universities through English language teaching |
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34. Michael D. Rozin, Valery P. Svechkarev, Irina E. Ryabtseva, Sergei V. Yusov4 Analysis of models for rigid professional orientation of education |
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