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Russian version/Ðóññêàÿ âåðñèÿ
¹ 4 2024


1. Alexey V. Ageev

The Russian idea as a conceptual counteraction to constructed nationalism in Russian society

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2. Pavel N. Alenin, Natalia V. Grishechkina

Professional space in the trade zones

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3. Evgenia M. Kozlova

Sociocultural consequences of destructive sexuality in the social space of the 21st century

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4. Victoria B. Ovchinnikova

Socio-philosophical issues of socialization and self-determination of personality in the information space of modern society

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5. Georgy Sh. Pilavov

The subjective interpretation of chess in the philosophy of objectivism by A. Rand

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6. Vitaly V. Sych

The evolution of perspectives about work in the historical and philosophical discourse

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7. Diana Yu. Burenkova, Elena Yu. Vasilyeva, Maria S. Nevzorova

Some linguistic features of the legal language of the countries of the romano-germanic legal family

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8. Olga V. Dvortsova, Anastasia A. Smerchinskaya

Key structural elements of a modern English political-military newspaper article

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9. Natalia G. Lachina

Interjections as a way of expressing emotions

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10. Natalya A. Lyashenko

On the question of lexical-semantic representation of the concept “beauty” in the novel “The Great Gatsby” by Francis Scott Fitzgerald

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11. Yulia A. Mazneva

Linguistic analysis of the English text of the US Customs and Border Service Strategy 2020-2025

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12. Yuri Ð. Nechay, Anastasia A. Poverennaya

Trial, discourse, potential conflict

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13. Alfiya A. Salkhenova, Anton S. Veretennikov

The influence of Anglo-American linguistic culture on French military discourse

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14. Vladimir R. Sarkisyants, Anait Kh. Galstyan

On semantic structure peculiarities of person nominating nouns in modern English

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15. Vladimir R. Sarkisyants, Marina V. Ryabova

On the issue of the concept of equal reliability of language versions of international normative legal acts

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16. Marjan U. Suleybanova , Lyudmila M. Dudarova, Laila A. Askhabova

Compound sentences in Russian and Vainakhi languages

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17. Natalia M. Usenko

Gender as a social construct: grammar projections (based on the modern media discourse)

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18. Victoria V. Posidelova, Olga A. Polyakova

Newspaper headline and its lexical and stylistic features.

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19. Natalia V. Khalina, Hui Hui, Nadezhda N. Pivkina

Linguistic determinants of the Chinese economic picture of the world

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20. Alexey A. Chukhno, Irina G. Ryabtseva

Communicative-pragmatic types of refusal reactions to indirect directives in English dialogues

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21. Tatyana P. Avanesova, Lena K. Gruzdeva, Lyalya K. Vychuzhanova

Formation of intercultural communicative maritime university cadets’ competence in the process of English language learning

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22. Valentina K. Barashyan, Oksana B. Simonova

Mayer's theory of multimedia learning. Theory and practice

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23. Narine L. Wiegel, Emiliano Mettini, Lilia T. Zaseeva

The role of spiritual and moral education of student's personality in the context of modern higher education

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24. Lyudmila E. Kudinova

The scientific foundations of the organization of a play space in a preschool educational organization

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25. Tatyana A. Ornatskaya

Russian family values and their historical origins

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26. Yana N. Poddubnaya, Konstantin S. Kotov, Anastasia A. Kotova

Implementation of clil through the introduction of Chinese stratagems in classroom English

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27. ABOUT AUTHORS read in PDF pdf

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