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Russian version/Русская версия
№ 2 2012


(specialty 07.00.02)
1. Goncharova N.N.

M.V. Klochkov as a Soviet historian

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2. Kurapov A.A.

Russian policy towards Buddhist community of Kalmykia people in XVII-XVIII centuries

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3. Fedin S.A.

Peculations and embezzlement in the system of state trade in 1945-1953 and fight of law-enforcement authorities against them (on the base of lower Volga region)

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4. Shuyakova E.N.

Russian youth subgroups in social and political view

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(specialty 08.00.01)
5. Nikolaeva E.E.

Deformation of distributional relations in Russian economy: essence, reasons, expression, consequences

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(specialty 08.00.05)
6. Tretyakova T.S.

Buzz-marketing technology within the system of low-budget technologies of marketing communications

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7. Ulyanitskaya N.M.

Development of subsidiary spaces of regional economic system

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8. Charchyan B.A.

Stages of adaptation of regional subsidiary of international pharmaceutical company at new foreign market

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(specialty 09.00.03)
9. Pavlov P.V.

Phenomenological comprehension of truth

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(specialty 09.00.11)
10. Skvortsov I.P.

On the united model of Russian social policy

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(specialty 09.00.13)
11. Agapova E.A.

Censorship phenomenon in European totalitarian regimes of the XX century

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12. Zharov L.V.

State of sexuality in modern Russia (subjective notes on the objective process)

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13. Kopytov Yu.G.

Micropower culture of prison*

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14. Maltseva T.G.

Clothes notion transformation, connected with cultural and technological revolutions

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15. Tagi-zade A.D.

Law principle in the context of development and functioning of the law government: philosophic and law aspects

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16. Sheff G.A.

Religion philosophy of S.L. Frank

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(specialty 10.01.01)
17. Panisheva N.A.

The image of sailing off in A. Nesmelov's lyrics

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(specialty 10.02.19)
18. Aslanova A.A.

Communicative strategy of dynamics reflection of colour notion in a fiction discourse of A. Murdoch

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19. Garanyan O.A.

Communicative strategies as pragmatic way of addressee introduction in informal interview

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20. Dragaleva L.V.

Contradiction as a speech means of contrast modeling in B. Poplavsky's idyostyle

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21. Sknar G.D.

Thematic component of fiction statement: its cognitive types and participation in the process of conceptual introduction

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(specialty 12.00.01)
22. Avanesyan S.R.

Ideal type of Russian power in the context of political identity dynamics in modern Russia

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23. Geliskhanova R.Z.

Law government study and Russian law doctrine on national finance policy

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24. Elyutin P.V.

Historical and law research of criminal law in Russia

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25. Nurbagomedova A.N.

Historical and law research of forgery problem within credit sphere

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26. Plekhova O.A.

Brezhnev's reforms and consolidation of the highest Soviet and state bureaucracy during 1964-1983 years

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27. Ponomarenko E.V.

Methodology and methodics of female crime research in national law historiography

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28. Tsechoev V.K.

Formation of bodies and establishments of justice in Russian centralized state

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(specialty 19.00.01)
29. Aroutyunyan V.A.

Motivation problem of development of pedagogue's psychological competence in the system of qualification advance

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30. Popova V.V.

Research of controlling behaviour from the viewpoint of integral individuality study

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(specialty 22.00.01)
31. Bortsov Ju.S.

Sociocultural innovations and education

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32. Bratukhin A.V.

Social dynamics of youth subcultures in modern Russian society

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33. Cherepanov E.V.

On the question of quantitative interrelations description between the categories of consumption and production

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(specialty 23.00.02)
34. Sokolov A.V., Isaeva E.A.

Formation of non commercial sector in subjects of Russian Federation (on the example of Yaroslavl region)

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35. Fedorova O.N.

Role of information and psychological security of Russian citizens

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(specialty 24.00.01)
36. Naumova E.G.

Creativity and creative personality in modern representative culture

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37. ABOUT AUTHORS read in PDF pdf
*The article under the title «Micropower culture of prison» was retracted by the editors due to illegal borrowing by the author Kopytov Yu.G. of results obtained by A.B. Karpun (Карпун Алексей Борисович. Сила власти: аксиологический и философско-антропологический аспекты: на примере политической власти / диссертация ... кандидата философских наук. Ростов-на-Дону, 2008.).
Date of retraction: 15.08.2019.

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